I wanted to uninstall Docker and Kitematic, in order to replace/update them to their latest versions (I couldn’t autoupdate them). I had not used either of them in years, so they were very out-of-date. Also, I was very rusty at using both. I could not remember how I installed them, but I decided that I would remove Kitematic first, and then Docker.

I tried dragging Kitematic from the Dock into the Trash, however I was still able to open Kitematic from Finder. I then went into the /Applications/ directory and deleted Kitematic from there. I was still able to open Kitematic from Finder. I checked whether Kitematic was still listed in Launchpad- it was.

At this point, I checked Google. Some blogs and github posts suggested:

- Remove Kitematic.app
- Remove any unwanted Virtual Machines in VirtualBox bash
- Remove app data rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kitematic

I had already removed Kitematic.app (I thought). I was able to remove my Docker VM using the commands:

Peters-MacBook-Pro:~ peterreeves$ docker-machine ls
default            virtualbox   Timeout
Peters-MacBook-Pro:~ peterreeves$ docker-machine rm default
About to remove default
Are you sure? (y/n): y
Successfully removed default

When I went to remove /Library/Application\ Support/Kitematic I found that the /Kitematic dir did not exist.

At this point, I also checked whether I had installed Kitematic via brew, however brew list did not return anything Kitematic or Docker related.

Finally, after more googling, I found I had installed Docker Toolbox which contains Docker and KM in one block. I had to follow the uninstall instructions for Docker Toolbox that are listed here. https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_mac/#how-to-uninstall-toolbox